The other day, in a grocery store & in the cereal aisle, I found myself wanting Rice Krispies®. Perhaps I'm showing, but all I could think of is "snap, crackle, pop into your morning." That drove me to search for the old commercial. And of course, YouTube had it.
Sharing the commercial is not really "weird Wednesday" material; but coming across a late 1960's classic operatic one definitely qualified. This "Vesti" Rice Krispies® commercial is an award winner. Simpsons' fans may recall Krusty the Klown paying homage to Vesti la Giubba as well.
Here's the commercial, followed by another one from the 1950's & early 1960's.
From the publisher on YouTube:
"Vesti" is one of three :60 operatic commercials created for Kellogg's Rice Krispies in the late 1960s to build new awareness for a well known cereal. The advertising agency: Leo Burnett in Chicago.
The commercial was written by Joel Hochberg, art directed by Don Keller, produced by Rudy Behlmer and directed by Howard Morris (of Sid Caesar-show fame). It stars Johnny Hamer as the husband, Maria Montalbo as his mother-in-law and Reva Rose as his wife.
"Vesti" won a Cannes Gold Lion, is in the Advertising Hall of Fame and was selected by Entertainment Weekly Magazine as one of the ten greatest commercials of all time.
Here's the other one I mentioned:
And the culprit behind the jingle in my head, I think, comes from this 1980's commercial:
And after all of that, my kids didn't like the cereal 'cause it didn't have sugar like all the other ones in the house. So ... I showed them what I did when I was a kid --I added sugar (my wife wasn't too pleased with that). ▣
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